Notice :
We have noticed that online recruitment applications on behalf of Abu Dhabi Oilfield Services (ADOS) are spreading over the internet. This is a scam and should be ignored.
Flange Insulation Kits

We are the exclusive agent in Abu Dhabi for Garlok pipeline technologies GPT (PSI/Pikotek). Flange isolating kits are designed to minimize the effects of electro chemical erosion and isolate sections of the pipework.

    Each kit comprises of:

  • >> One insulating gasket
  • >> One insulating sleeve per bolt
  • >> Two insulating and two plated steel washers per bolt.

The Main Types of Isolating Flange Kits are:


A high reliability gasket used mainly for isolating purposes in Very Critical Services.


A Very critical fire safe version was created by taking a standard VCS configuration and adding a secondary sealing element that is capable of maintaining a seal while subject to a 15000F fire. The VCFS had fully passed the API 6FB, 3rd Edition fire test.


A Very critical service Inside Diameter Seal introduces an internal, machined PTFE seal at the bore of the existing VCS design platform to ensure an extremely tight seal and a resistance to effects from internal pressure or aggressive media.